All of Bridges Nepal’s projects aim to fall into one of these three categories. Some projects are ongoing and others have specific timeframes.
If you would like to donate towards any of these, please click on this link: Donate or the Donate page in the menu bar, choose your preferred way to donate and make sure to specify which project you would like your donation to go to.
Thank you so much!
Education begins at home
Supporting families as a whole
The communities we work with are poor and live in remote areas of Nepal; where they are at risk of exploitation and trafficking due to a lack of income generating opportunities. The families are subsistence farmers and therefore they work their own land and or cattle daily. Most of the time, this requires a lot of help from the children; fetching water from the spring (which can take up to 2hrs each way), planting rice or other crops, feeding and milking animals etc. For many children, this means that they don’t have the spare time to attend school. It can take up to 2 hours a day for them to walk to school, study and walk home whereby they’ve already been gone all day. This is a situation we want to help alleviate where possible.
With this project, we plan to help the family as a whole. Families receive no help from the government towards education and parents themselves also need encouragement to keep their children in school. Sending children to school and keeping them in school (especially girls) dramatically reduces the chances trafficking and prevents exploitation. Something so basic as being able to read and write, helps people earn a better income and have better quality of life.
Once a family is selected, the child receives school uniform, shoes, backpack and school fees are paid. Then we spend time getting to know the family and helping to assess their wider needs, helping wherever possible, so that the child is able to attend school without any hindrance.
To support one family (one child) the annual cost is: £120 .00
Millions of people all over the world are affected by drinking dirty water. The World Health Organisation estimates that there are over 800,000 deaths per year related to diarrhoeal diseases. This is mainly due to a lack of safe drinking water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene. More than 58% of those deaths could be avoided with proper water sanitation.
This project will be operated in 3 phases. Phase 1 - planning, land designation, spring water access etc. Phase 2 - build a storage tank and main taps. Phase 3 - installation of pipe lines to homes.
The water supply storage tank will be built for a village in Dhading by 2022. Villagers will not have to spend all day collecting water from the local spring, nor send their children to carry heavy bottles up the steep hillside everyday.
Water supply plan
In Bhadragaun Village in Dhading, we are teaching people how to make smaller “home filters” with locally sourced materials, which produces water that is 97% pure. This means that there will be less sickness and overall health will improve.
Bio-Sand home water filter
Produces 97% pure drinking water
Current situation
People need to carry water form the spring on their backs
The communities that we work with are poor and live in remote areas. They are the most vulnerable and are at highest risk for exploitation and human trafficking due to a lack of income generating opportunities. Many of them have been severely affected by the earthquake in 2015 and have children who need education. Some women in these remote areas lost their husbands, homes, and livestock in the earthquakes and still are struggling to survive. Many rural families struggle daily to provide an income due to a lack of safe opportunities and a lack of education. They cannot afford to send their children to school and want to learn new skills to be able to generate a small income for their families.
We believe women should be empowered to provide for their families as much as men. We value them and want them to achieve their dreams and stand on their own if necessary. We will be starting up a Tailoring and Sewing Training programme in Kathmandu, Nepal to provide new skills and income for women at risk of exploitation and trafficking. The Women come primarily from the Dhading and Newakot districts to Kathmandu to learn to sew and cut as tailors. The main items they will sew are traditional Nepali clothes, small accessories, and casual tops to begin with.
If you would like more information or would like to make a donation to this project, please contact us or use the donate page and select your preferred method of donation.
Many families in rural Nepal are living in extreme poverty and do not have an education to be able to get a well paid job.
For the past few years we have provided Beehives for small, poor families in rural Nepal, where they are at risk of exploitation and trafficking due to a lack of income generating opportunities.
The beehives not only provide income but they also help promote healthy living; by producing honey which can be consumed by the family. With this income, families are able to send their children to school. They also bring hope, this new skill of learning to cultivate the hive and to urge the bees to produce is an encouragement to the people.
Each hive has 9 Pallets inside and honey and wax is produced on each pallet. It is then scraped off onto a plate or jar for consumption. To start with, there is just enough honey for the families, which promotes good health and nourishment for them. Eventually we hope to see families producing enough for them to sell onto others.
This project is not currently running, but as and when the need arises we shall re-open the project.
The all inclusive cost to provide one Bee Hive is: £100.00
Over 6 years we hope to provide 35 long drop toilets for village communities to use. This is necessary for Rural villages as they do not have toilets. Currently families use local forests or fields which can be unsafe and unhygienic. As we have a community development aim, this fits as good hygiene is necessary for everyone.
The communities who receive these toilets are poor and live in remote areas of Nepal; where they are at risk of exploitation and trafficking due to a lack of income generating opportunities. They receive no help from the government and need to have better hygiene.
The all inclusive cost to provide one toilet is: £250
After the two devastating earthquakes in 2015, thousands of people lost their loved ones, homes, and livestock. We have since then been able to build over 60 homes to people living in the rural areas of Nepal.
We ran this project for about 3 years but there is always a need for housing.
To provide one house costs £3,500