Thank you for choosing to donate to the work of Bridges Nepal today. Your generous giving enables us to seek whole-life transformation amongst the peoples of Nepal.

There are several options, please select the one that is best for you.

Wise is a safe, affordable and quick way to send money internationally. You can send a direct bank transfer to our WISE account. You will need the following details:

Account holder: Sally Singh - Sort code: 23-14-70 - Account number: 37451972 - IBAN:GB23 TRWI 2314 7037 4519 72 - Wise’s Address: 56 Shoreditch High Street, London, E1 6JJ, UK.

For more info on WISE International banking please click here: to register for an account (use this link when signing up: signup)

Bridges Nepal UK Trust is also able to accept donations towards our work. If you’re a UK tax payer you have the opportunity to gift aid your donation too.

Please click the button on the left to donate this way.

You can claim gift aid by donating via Interserve. Please remember to type “Bridges Nepal” in the allocation box when you are redirected to their donation page. If there is a specific project you would prefer your donation to go to, please send us a message.

Please click the button on the left to donate this way.

Donate Via Paypal

If you have a PayPal account and would like to send funds that way, then here’s the button for that too.

Please click the button on the left to donate this way.